Tinfoil Finance Updates: New NFTs, an Additional Yield Farming Aggregator, and More

Tinfoil Finance
3 min readMar 26, 2021
Tinfoil Finance announces the addition of new features to its yield aggregation platform. These new components provide users with additional utility and opportunities to simply, easily, and exponentially compound their yield.

Tinfoil Finance is dedicated to making the yield compounding process user-friendly and accessible to everyone. With our initial platform running smoothly, we are now pleased to announce the addition of new components and expansions to Tinfoil. As a result, our platform continues to work towards providing its users with the best and most convenient yield-generating techniques available.

New NFTs:

Tinfoil’s NFT marketplace is up and running, enabling our users to buy, sell and discover rare digital items on the Binance Chains. To expand this marketplace, Tinfoil will be listing two new NFTs. The first will be stairways to new chains, and the second will represent cross-chain rewards. Their level will be Chaingendary, meaning they are legendary, AND cross-chain. Cross-chain interoperability is the future of the blockchain ecosystem, allowing the compatibility of previously disparate chains and protocols to unlock a cohesive digital economy with unlimited new opportunities. We are embracing this future with our new NFTs — make sure to check back for updates about the details of these exciting new tokens.

A New Yield Farming Aggregator:

Tinfoil Finance is further branching off into other chains with a new yield aggregator on another blockchain. Development of this new aggregator has started under the Tinfoil brand. This will provide additional value-generating opportunities to users that are inaccessible from the Binance Smart Chain. The BSC is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) along with other benefits, but still is not able to offer complete interoperability with other protocols. Thus, we are developing a second yield farming aggregator on a new chain to expand the yield-bearing protocols and practices our users have access to. Again, make sure to stay tuned for more updates as we release more information about this new aggregator.

TIN Token Airdrop:

There will be an airdrop for TIN holders, TIN LP providers, and those who will buy a special NFT that we’re going to launch on the chain of our new yield farming aggregator. Thus, we are rewarding those participating in our community, and providing them with the funds to help them continue participation.

bMCH Listing and Farm:

bMCH was the token born out of our collaboration with MEMECA$H. This is a version of the MEME CA$H token (MCH) that is made compatible with the Binance Smart Chain. This token was generated as an additional means for users to improve their token yields. Presently, bMCH has been listed on token exchanges, and is trading around the $20 mark. With this successful listing, we are going to launch a TIN farm from which you have the chance to earn bMCH, which can then be used in various capacities on the BSC.

MEMECA$H Farm for TIN:

Simultaneously, MEMECA$H is working to generate a bMCH farm whereby users are able to earn TIN tokens. This promotes the continued interwovenness of our two platforms, providing increased utility to our users.

Mobile UI:

Our mobile user interface (UI) is presently in progress. We had hoped to deliver this functionality to our users sooner, but have been fully absorbed in the development and deployment of our other features. Now, we are excited to make our platform even more convenient and user-friendly by going mobile.

TIN Reinvestment:

As we are fully dedicated to delivering the optimal platform to our users, all of the TIN earned from the sales of our NFTs are going to be reinvested into our platform. This capital will be used to build new farms and new chains to provide users with more value-generating opportunities.

Tinfoil Finance looks forward to releasing more information about each of these components as we continue to build the best product for our users.

For additional information about Tinfoil Finance, make sure to check out our website and Medium.

